
WPSchoolPress Teacher

Following are the rights and roles given to teacher:

    • Student and parent information – Can view & edit members of all classes (Information and Attendance).
    • Classes – Can View information only.
    • Class subjects – Can view subjects and their details of all classes.
    • Marks – Teacher can add and update marks for all the subjects they are teaching
    • Exams – Teacher can only view the exams of their respective subjects and class.
    • Time table – Teacher can view timetable of all the classes.
    • Attendance – Teacher can add / update attendance of his/her class only and view attendance of all the classes.
    • Events – Teachers can only view events.
    • Notify – Teacher can notify All Students, Parents and Teachers
    • School Transport Information – Teacher can view information about the Transport.
    • Leave calendar – Teacher can view all the leaves for all classes.
    • Import History – Shows the history of all the imports made by the teacher.
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